State of the Yarr

Like all things...
As you might have seen, has not been updated for a fair amount of time. I enjoyed collecting things from the internet for you for many years, but like all things - they End.

I will keep this site up as a tribute to time invested - and as a collection that might still hold value for those who are just casually browsing for interesting pixels. As such, I have disabled logins, but added a randomized "fate" and "today" page.

However, I do see that my younger self did not acknowledge the source and ownership of these pixels - so if you encounter things that are yours, and you would like them removed or otherwise changed - please let me know.



Edition: 13-08-2010 - Funny stuff part I

Tip! Look at these images one-by-one instead!
(has comments, tags and other stuff)

C(h/r)opping a story

Here be a image!

Me? No... it was the dog

Here be a image!

Kitty knows best

Here be a image!

Magical city in the clouds

Here be a image!

HPOA indeed

Here be a image!

Nature FTW 4

Here be a image!

Pay special attention to the girls in the back ;)


OK Go makes great musicvids
